探花9 发表于 2014-9-17 13:08 只看TA 1楼 |
[原创] AV有三层境界 AV,有三层境界,第一层境界是用女性的性器官--小穴去激发男人的性欲,却全然没有想过一个问题:难不成,凤姐是因为小穴没有张柏芝的小穴好看,你才宁死也不肯碰凤姐哪怕一下的吗?!!欧美、日本的无码AV,忙活了几十年,始终也无法挣脱第一层境界!! 第二层境界就知道通过抹油、寝取、乱伦、时间停止、隐身...等手段,来有效的调动起狼友珍视女优身体的积极性,可是,摄像头却绝少往女优的脸上照,反倒是牢牢锁定在女性的性器官上,以至于逼得几乎每一个一线有码女优,都不得不不停的变换剧情,来竭力给狼友的新鲜感,时间久了,一个又一个的绝色有码女优,莫名其妙的就下了马,比如尾上若叶就是一个典型,连尾上如此绝色的女优,都能在盛年给淘汰到无码厂商的手里去... 第三层境界那就高明得多了!导演知道:只有使得狼友充分珍视剧中的女优这个人,而不是她的肉体,更不是她的性器官,才有可能既使女优经久不衰,更使自家厂商实现可持续发展!因而,导演会给女优以充分的时间和空间,来展示其是何其之优秀,使狼友感受到,与她亲近的机会是有何其之难得,只有这样,成就感、征服感才能在狼友心底汹涌澎湃的源源而生,并且,摄像头绝大多数时间里,都是牢牢的锁定在女优和男优的脸上! 其实,乱伦剧情的AV,之所以能在日本的AV产业里经久不衰,全靠【乱伦在现实生活中,几乎是不可能发生的】,因而狼友才会不由自主的极尽珍视,与剧中女优亲近的机会! 芭蕾、运动员、跆拳道类型的AV,之所以能够牢牢占据一席之地,全拜【女运动员、跆拳道女高手的身体素质强悍,以至于她们在现实生活中不费吹灰之力就能制服绝大多数成年男人,因而,当其被男优干到气喘吁吁之时,征服感才有可能在狼友的心底源源而生】所赐,当然了,芭蕾舞女演员未必能撂倒一个成年男人,可是芭蕾舞女演员只有相当漂亮、且身体的素质极强,才有可能成为一个芭蕾舞演员,因而,其在现实生活中是极其稀有的存在,进而才有可能使得狼友天生就极尽珍视与其亲近的每一分、每一秒! 可是,现在有不少大牌厂商热衷于拍【日常剧情】的有码AV,狼友会迅速的将此类AV里的性交,视为理所应当的,一旦被理所应当的,对狼友来说,与剧中女优亲近、性交,再无珍惜、珍视的理由! 可惜啊,日本的有码AV始终在第一、第二层境界的泥潭里,苦苦挣扎,始终也无法升华到第三层境界上去,因而,必然会带来同质化恶性竞争!!同行越多、行业里的女优越多,所有有码厂商、有码女优的日子就越是难过!!因为第一层境界靠女优的性器官吃饭,偏偏女优的AV拍得越多,小穴就越是难看,再加上马赛克...第二层境界原本还行,可是要命的是,导演的摄像头根本就不往女优的脸上照,以至于女优哪怕长得就是再好看,也无济于事了 [ 本帖最后由 探花9 于 2014-9-17 13:10 编辑 ] |
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作者的其他主题 |
奇怪,日本的AV界最近,究竟发生了什么? |
日本的AV产业,一直在逆向淘汰 |
我认为,多男一女,有百害而无一利 |
浅析:为什么,无码AV销量远不及有码AV |
绝大多数的人妖AV,都拍错了,而且错得离谱 |
AV厂商,找妓女来拍摄AV,是自找苦吃 |
r-jay 发表于 2014-9-17 18:53 只看TA 4楼 |
电影分级制还没弄懂的乡巴佬,脑海中以为什么片子都属于av,压根这三个所谓层次,就是不同级别的片子。 从你天天嚷着什么珍视女优可以看出就是一个躲在房间撸管的屌丝男,没有女朋友,老婆,就把对待女朋友或者老婆的情感投射到av女优上,悲催!所以才产生那种所谓的珍视女优论,本来不想道明白,但真是忍无可忍了。 [ 本帖最后由 r-jay 于 2014-9-17 18:56 编辑 ] |
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MightGaine 发表于 2014-9-17 21:45 只看TA 5楼 |
我反复想告诉他自己的想法过于想当然不考虑现实层面,他就是不听,非要强调自己的观念和结论是“本质”,别人好心给他指明了他的片面性,他就说我只看“本质”不计较“细枝末节”。我认为人只要敞开心好好沟通交流就算观点不同还是可以当朋友,所以我一直试图跟他建立良性辩论交流,求同存异。可他根本就没有对别人的尊重,甚至都不去反思别人提出的意见是否有道理,成天反复换例子说着同一套话强调自己,就算我再有耐心到这地步也无能为力,我以后也不会再跟他浪费口舌。 |
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kuangjian 发表于 2014-9-18 00:49 只看TA 6楼 |
引用:原帖由 r-jay 于 2014-9-17 18:53 发表 ![]() 俺早都看出来他纯属已经和社会彻底脱节,对除了AV之外的任何事物都漠不关心了!认为AV就是他生活中最重要的,其余都是浮云!在他眼里:AV就是带领日本人脱贫致富奔小康的最佳捷径,是摆脱经济低迷的指南针和引路明灯!饭可以不吃,但是AV不能不看! ![]() 也就是这论坛对于只要不涉及政治话题的言论比较宽松,换了其他的论坛,他早都被那些高人喷的无所遁形、体无完肤了! ![]() 俺觉得他现在已经以日本AV界的新一代教父自居了!俺就纳闷了,一个连日本国情和经济、社会、民族历史观、价值观都一窍不通的伸手党, 哪儿来的那么大的自信和资历敢自诩为“资深人士”?俺这个存了几百张自刻DVD的人都没敢这么大口气! ![]() 俺对他现在的评价只能用:“坐井观天、不自量力、自以为是!”这十二个字来总结了! 俺在几个月前就给MightGaine兄说过:他看AV看的已经彻底和社会脱节了!已经无药可救了!现在事实已经证明了吧,他口口声声说这都是他的写作心血,究竟所说的是否属实,是否有真才实学,看过的人心里有数! 要是俺来评价的话。就是:混积分、刷存在感、自说自话! 他任何帖子,我和MightGaine兄都能在不超过5分钟的时间内,直接用充分的理据来驳斥的他体无完肤,而他却只能靠顾左右而言他来转移话题。 他现在完全是一种“死猪不怕开水烫”的心态来继续发他的这些所谓“心得感想”来继续充斥整个版面,务求达到他寻找到满足感、存在感并且混到应得的积分的目的! 说句不客气的:他这种所谓的心得感想帖子,我一天发上几十个都不带重样的!而且还让他没法驳斥!只不过俺已经对于积分这些早已不在乎了! 天天在这里对着AV评头论足,俺只想问一句:AV能当饭吃不?你天天评头论足,人家厂商会给你发评论费不?有天天看AV这功夫,不会想办法赚钱去? ![]() [ 本帖最后由 kuangjian 于 2014-9-18 01:06 编辑 ] |
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jassergck 发表于 2014-9-18 10:48 只看TA 7楼 |
Translate To English AV has three state AV, there are three realm, the realm is the first layer of the female sex organs - Koana to stimulate a man's libido, but absolutely no thought of a question: do the authors, Xifeng because no Cecilia pussy pussy look good, you just would rather die than have Feng refused to touch even look at it? ! ! Europe, Japan, Uncensored AV, busy for decades, always can not get rid of the first layer of the realm! ! The second layer of the realm to know through grease, sleep taking, incest, time stopped, stealth ... other means to effectively mobilize the body's wolf Friends cherish Actress enthusiasm, however, the camera has rarely go according to the actress's face, but rather firmly locked in the female sexual organs, so that a line has forced almost every yard actress, had to constantly change the story, trying to give freshness to the Friends of the wolf, long time, one after another stunning there code Actress, somehow it dismounted, such as the tail Wakaba is a typical, even on the tail so stunning actress, able to eliminate the hands of the prime Uncensored vendors to ... The third layer of the realm it is much more clever! Director know: Only make full cherished friend Wolf drama actress this person, rather than her body, but not her genitals, enduring Actress possible even more so their own companies to achieve sustainable development! Thus, the director will Actress in sufficient time and space, to show that it is excellent repeat itself, make friends feel the wolf, is the opportunity to get close to her what it's rare, the only way a sense of accomplishment, a sense of order to conquer the hearts of raging wolves Friends surging stream born, and the camera most of the time, are firmly locked in Actress and male superior's face! In fact, incest story AV, has been able to in the AV industry in Japan, enduring, thanks [incest in real life, is almost impossible to happen], so the wolf will not help his best friend cherished, and play Actress chance to get close! Ballet, athletes, taekwondo type of AV, has been able to firmly occupy a place, all thanks to [female athletes, female taekwondo master's physique powerful that the vast majority of adult women effortlessly uniformed men in real life, thus, when it is dry to the panting of the male superior, conquest possible stream in the heart of the Friends of the wolf born] the gift, of course, may not be able ballerina outlasted a grown man, but only a relatively Ballerina beautiful and strong qualities of the body, are likely to become a ballerina, so its presence is extremely rare in real life, and then be possible to make the wolf his best friends are born close to their cherished every minute, every second! But now there are a lot of big companies are keen to take the story [daily] has code AV, wolf friends will quickly be such AV in sexual intercourse, as it should be treated as soon as it should be, for the Friends wolf , and drama actress close, sexual intercourse, no treasure on the grounds cherished! Unfortunately, ah, Japanese AV always have yards in the first and second layers realm of the mire, struggling, always can not be sublimated realm up to the third floor, which will inevitably bring about homogeneity vicious competition! ! The more peers, the industry's female superior and more, all those yards vendors have code Actress day the more sad! ! Because the first layer of the realm by actress genitals to eat, but why AV actress looks more Koana the more ugly, plus a second layer of the realm of the original mosaic ... okay, but worse, the director's camera simply not according to the actress's face, even if it looks that the actress is again nice, does not help the |
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探花9 发表于 2014-9-18 19:27 只看TA 9楼 |
引用:原帖由 r-jay 于 2014-9-17 18:53 发表 其实,AV只是妓女的补充!! |
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